


利勃海尔LTM1750-9.1起重机具有以下优点:1. 巨大的起重能力:LTM1750-9.1起重机最大起重能力为800吨,可以完成大型建筑物、桥梁、石油设备等重型工程的搬运和组装任务。2. 长达164米的主臂:该起重机配备了164米的主臂,可在1.5米至120米的工作范围内完成各种搬运任务。3. 强大的动力系统:起重机搭载了9.1升的发动机,输出功率可达598千瓦,提供了强大的动力支持,使起重机能够在各种工况下高效运行。4. 安全稳定的设计:起重机采用了先进的液压控制系统和智能电子系统,能够实现精准操作和平稳运行,确保了工作的安全性和稳定性。5. 灵活多样的移动性:起重机配备了全地形底盘和可折叠式支腿,可以适应各种复杂地形和狭小工作空间,提供了灵活性和多样性。6. 可拆卸组件:起重机的吊臂和配重块等组件可拆卸,在工地搬迁或运输过程中更加方便,节省了时间和成本。7. 先进的技术和创新:作为利勃海尔的旗舰产品,LTM1750-9.1起重机采用了许多先进的技术和创新设计,不断推动起重机行业的进步和发展。总之,利勃海尔LTM1750-9.1起重机具有巨大的起重能力、高效的动力系统、安全稳定的设计、灵活多样的移动性等优点,是一款非常强大和先进的起重机设备。

Liebherr LTM1750-9.1 crane has the following advantages: 1. Huge lifting capacity: LTM1750-9.1 crane has a maximum lifting capacity of 800 tons, which can complete the handling and assembling tasks of large buildings, bridges, petroleum equipment, and other heavy works. 2. 164-meter-long main boom: The crane is equipped with a 164-meter main boom, which can complete various handling tasks within the working range of 1.5 meters to 120 meters. 3. Powerful power system: The crane is equipped with 9.1-liter engine with output power of up to 598 kW, which provides strong power support and enables the crane to be capable of handling under various working conditions. The crane is equipped with a 164-meter main boom, which can complete various handling tasks within the working range of 1.5 meters to 120 meters.3. Powerful power system: the crane is equipped with a 9.1-liter engine with an output of up to 598 kilowatts, which provides a powerful power support and enables the crane to operate efficiently under various working conditions.4. Safe and stable design: the crane adopts an advanced hydraulic control system and an intelligent electronic system, which enables precise operation and smooth operation and ensures the safety and stability of work.5. safety and stability of work.5. Flexible and diverse mobility: the crane is equipped with an all-terrain chassis and foldable outriggers, which can adapt to a variety of complex terrains and narrow workspaces, providing flexibility and versatility.6. Removable components: the crane's components such as the crane's boom and counterweight blocks can be disassembled, which makes it more convenient to relocate or transport the crane on the construction site and saves time and costs.7. Advanced technologies and innovations : As the flagship product of Liebherr, LTM1750-9.1 crane adopts many advanced technologies and innovative designs, which constantly push forward the progress and development of the crane industry. All in all, Liebherr LTM1750-9.1 crane is a very powerful and advanced crane equipment with huge lifting capacity, efficient power system, safe and stable design, flexible and diverse mobility.

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